Thursday, December 10, 2009

Karate Kimonos

The kimonos finally arrived. Don't they look serious in their outfits?


  1. aren't they called Ghis?

  2. Funny you should ask . . . I wondered myself what they were officially called, and now I've looked it up: "The traditional karate uniform is called a 'Gi', pronounced gee.
    The Japanese and Okinawans wear a dogi, usually referred to as the gi to work out in. The belt, or obi, that holds the top together, is also used to indicate rank." (Source: Wikepedia.)

    (N.B. When I went into a shop in Bucharest that sold "Gis", I asked how much the "Karate haine pentru copii" (karate clothes for kids) was and the clerk referred to the Gi as a "kimono". I guess she needs a lesson in Japanese, too!)
