Sunday, February 7, 2010

In Memoriam

Last week at church, I noticed several of the members crying, and wondered what was wrong, but didn't get a chance to ask until after church. It was then that we learned that two of our Elders serving in the city of Timisoara died in their apartment from natural gas asphyxiation. Such news is so shocking, it stuns and numbs you as you try to make sense of and process what you've just heard. Immediately, you think of their families, and you pray that Heavenly Father will comfort them as only He can.

Today during fast and testimony meeting, Sister Lundberg, the wife of the mission president, shared some of her impressions from the past week and her experience as she has been in regular communication with the families. Check out Sister Lundberg's blog (and don't miss her link to Romania Mission Miracles.) It was comforting to hear from her that the families of these special Elders have expressed their faith and well-being in the gospel of Jesus Christ that will give them the opportunity to reunite with their sons eternally.

A neighbor who had heard the sad news, expressed her condolences to Sister Lundberg and remarked that she didn't know how Sister Lundberg could deal with such seeming tragedy. Sister Lundberg's response was that she didn't know how her neighbor does it--how do people face mortality with its trials and hardships without the gospel?

This tribute is on the bulletin board in the foyer and the flag in front of the church has been at half mast.

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