Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Best Toy Store in Stuttgart

After Schloss Lichtenstein, we made our way to Stuttgart and spent the early evening shopping in the Fussgaengerzone (pedestrian area). The favorite shop for all of us was the HUGE toy store with all those lovely German dolls, wooden toys and trains (plus the ubiquitous Barbie, Pollypockets, and other such plastic infiltrators). The rooftop train layout made our backyard set seem rather dismal . . . something to aspire to.

Stuttgart was having its Weinfest, which meant the downtown was brimming with tents filled with more yummy food and drink. One specialty of this area is Maultaschen ("muzzle bags"), which are large, filled ravioli type creations. This rounded out our German experience quite nicely as we sat in a Bierzelt eating amongst the raucous chatter, singing and swaying to the um-pah-pah music.

Playing in the ultra modern hotel room in Stuttgart. We can thrash and trash like rock stars.

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